Paul Gorton: I think I might know who wins season three of ‘The Traitors’
In the latest of his weekly columns for Rolling Stone UK, 'The Traitors' season two star Paul Gorton tells us why he's already predicting a winner.
By Paul Gorton

Happy Friday! You’re probably reading this and hoping that I, as an ex-Traitor myself, have something bold to say about season three of The Traitors.
And who am I to let you down? I’m going to stick my neck on the line and say I think Linda could go all the way. That’s right. I’ve said it. I think Linda, despite all the GCSE drama-esque theatrics early on, could actually win the show.
Why, you may ask? Well, I’ve noticed that Minah has been a bit more vocal at the Roundtable and perhaps a little more emotional. That could be her undoing. Linda, on the other hand, seems to have settled into the game. She’s been consistently herself and, as I said last week, the kindly grandparent vibe she gives off will definitely help to ward off any suspicions. I think her game so far is a little like Harry’s last year too. If you watched Harry in the early episodes of season two, he doesn’t really do too much. He’s sat listening to me, he was understated and we all know how that ended. I think that’s what Linda has taken on. She’s managed to dispel suspicions, she’s quietly taking things in a little bit more and I do believe that she’s going to be one to watch.
That said, it was interesting to see Jake describe her as a dark horse last night. He’s starting to play the game well and if he manages to bring a few more people round to his way of thinking then Linda could be forced to up her game.

I think Fozia could be a real threat too. She’s a massive character and I’m so glad they brought her and Alexander back after they boldly got off the train in episode one and sacrificed their place in the game. They were bloody high in those cages, too. That was a magnificent way for them to return and I think Alexander is going to play a very good game. He’s clearly a smart bloke and used to work in conflict zones, so I think he’ll handle the pressure.
Fozia, I will admit, terrifies me. She’s incredibly stern, she gave off a powerful aura when she was on the train and I get the feeling she could be the mother of the group. The Faithfuls have been looking for a firm female role model to guide them, in my opinion, and I think she could be it.
As for the rest of the Faithfuls, I think Tyler’s departure wasn’t a surprise. He started laughing at the Roundtable and they cottoned onto that. We had a phrase we used in Season Two called ‘Bad Faithful’ to refer to people we didn’t think were Traitors, but definitely weren’t great Faithfuls either. I think he could be classed one of those, but he seemed like a good bloke and it was a shame to see him go.
And that’s before we get to poor Kas, who made the crucial error of raising a toast at breakfast and set off the suspicions that led to him being banished. The season one contestant Nicky fell victim to that and even Andrew in Season Two raised a toast when he was a faithful. A word to the word, guys, Traitors *do not* make toasts. But at least it provided us with that brilliant moment when Joe thought they’d caught another Traitor, only for his hopes to be dashed! That’s going to be one of the best exits of this year.
Oh, and I think I can feel another big curveball coming. Now, I just can’t wait to see what that’s going to be. Let the games continue!