Lip Critic announce debut album ‘Hex Dealer’
The New York group's debut arrives in May.
By Nick Reilly

Lip Critic have announced details of their debut album.
The Rolling Stone UK Ones To Watch 2024 alumni will release Hex Dealer on May 17 via Partisan Records, teasing the new record with the single ‘Milky Max’.
The latest track follows on from recent offerings such as ‘The Heart’ and is described as is “a pulverising slab of electronic hardcore. The song’s shapeshifting groove anchors a sound that’s theatrical, captivatingly irreverent, and completely outside so much of modern experimental music. Meanwhile, Bret Kaser’s vocal delivery feels like it’s being delivered by a cult leader who has occupied the announcer’s booth at a football stadium and refuses to come out. “
Check out the new single below, alongside the album’s full track listing.
1.It’s The Magic
2.Love Will Redeem You
3.The Heart
4.Bork Pelly (feat. Ghösh, ID.Sus)
5.Spirit Bomber
6.Death Lurking (feat. Izzy Da Fonseca)
7.Milky Max
9.I’m Alive
10.My Wife And The Goblin
11.In The Wawa (Convinced I Am God)
12. Toxin Dodger
Hailing the group in our ones to watch, we wrote: “The latest signings to Partisan Records epitomise why we named the company Record Label of the Year at the first Rolling Stone UK Awards, in collaboration with Rémy Martin, in 2023. This experimental New York quartet have fingers in the pies of hardcore, rock, rap and noise music, but feel tied to none of them. Instead, they make an unholy racket unrestricted by any traditional constraints. Debut Partisan single, ‘It’s The Magic’, is a pulverising slab of noise that drinks from the same unhinged well as Death Grips but with a groovy energy that keeps you engaged. Their fervent live show is also soon to be a thing of legend.”