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Inside Guin Records: Misha Kordestani’s Vision for Redefining ‘Artist-Friendly’

In partnership with Guin Records

By Kody Boye

Misha Kordestani
Misha Kordestani (Image: Provided)

In an industry where profit often overshadows longevity, Misha Kordestani is carving out a new path focused on artist empowerment. As the co-founder and president of Guin Records, she has developed a revolutionary approach that centers on artistic integrity, wellness, and authentic storytelling.

Misha’s journey into the music world was profoundly influenced by her upbringing. Her mother, Bita, a passionate music lover, filled their home with the sounds of Aretha Franklin, Barry White, Earth, Wind & Fire, Donna Summer, Amy Winehouse, and Madonna. Bita, a true tastemaker, even burned CDs for school drop-off line members who admired her taste. Misha’s father, Omid, a technology enthusiast with a background in startups, instilled in Misha a Silicon Valley mindset of efficiency and innovation. This unique combination of music and technology in her early life shaped her vision for Guin Records.

Founded alongside her brother Milan, Guin Records was born from a shared vision to invest in storytelling in contemporary music. The name ‘Guin’ is inspired by penguins’ resilience, symbolising the label’s nurturing and collaborative environment. Esteemed music director Michael Bearden challenged Misha and Milan on why the world needed another record label. They responded with a commitment to create an artist-friendly label, emphasising fair royalty splits, artist ownership, and control of masters.

Guin Records’ diverse roster reflects Misha’s dedication to amplifying unique voices. Artists like Ketu, Asha Imuno, and Barny Fletcher have found a supportive home at Guin Records, which celebrates its sixth anniversary this year. Misha’s philosophy is simple: empower artists to share their stories authentically. “By giving them the support and freedom they need, we enable them to create music that resonates deeply with audiences and drives meaningful change,” says Misha.

To support artists, Guin Records provides wellness programs, including burnout prevention and financial wellness support, ensuring a holistic approach to artist development. This commitment to sustainability and long-term growth fosters loyalty and trust between the label and its talent. Additionally, the label offers practical support, such as providing videographers and editing assistance to help artists create consistent short-form content, which Misha believes is crucial for their success.

Misha also actively communicates her vision and insights through The Guin Huddle Podcast and her newsletter. On the podcast, she discusses the dynamics of the industry, what it’s like being a woman in the industry, and shares interviews with artists and other industry insiders.

As Guin Records continues to redefine the music industry, Misha remains focused on a future where creativity flourishes, and diverse voices are heard. Her unique blend of Silicon Valley efficiency and deep appreciation for music positions Guin Records as a trailblazer in the indie music scene.

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