Can a penthouse dance party have underground street cred?
In partnership with Quinn Larabee/Existenz

Maybe it doesn’t need it.
“The World is Yours” was the pollyanna mantra of one of the darkest gangsters in cinematic history. It was an accidental motivational quote co-opted from a blimp that drove Tony Montana’s ambitious ascent in early-80s Miami and ended up emblazoned on a globe at the entrance of his mansion. Today these words are scrawled on a disco ball in a Berlin penthouse where Farrah Sabado hosts a dance party of the same name. Farrah’s journey—from underground dance music blogger to DJ, underwritten by her low key career as a high key parts and body model—was significantly less violent than Tony’s, and the position in which she finds herself today is less the product of ambition than it is necessity. Farrah wanted a grown-up houseparty, and after searching for and not finding one in the city she now calls home, she created one herself.
Berlin calling
“Young people come to Berlin and willingly lose themselves in the underground music scene,” she says, perched upon the soothing gray expanse of the custom sectional sofa that borders the sun-drenched living room of her Mitte home. “I was running a dance music blog in LA when I first heard of Berghain in 2007, and after making my solo pilgrimage to Berlin the following year I became obsessed. It’s been 16 years since I’ve began following, supporting, and contributing to this global dance music scene, and inevitably one’s appetite changes. I didn’t want to be in a loud club screaming to be heard over the music or pushing my way through the crowds the way I did when I was in my twenties.”
Clubbing without the club

In just about every way this is counter to the Berlin brand. The many clubs and party series that have defined the city since closing time was abolished as a testament to freedom in Cold War-era West Berlin are antithetical to what Farrah has created. Where the Berlin megaclubs are dark, hard-charging, and anonymous, The World is Yours is warm, inviting, and intimate. Where smaller, niche clubs can have unabashedly xenophobic door policy, The World is Yours is intentionally international and diverse. Where the legendary kink-oriented clubs are known for spur of the moment hedonism, The World is Yours is for durable friendships and have even led to long-term romantic connections.
Putting down roots by laying down beats
“Creating a new social life in Berlin can be intimidating,” continues Farrah. “I think that’s one of the things that Berlin has in common with New York – it takes time to find your tribe.” Farrah started building her tribe in NYC during the very snowy winter of 2010, and she hosted parties for an entire decade until the pandemic shut her and every other form of IRL gatherings down. “My parties were always thoughtfully curated and intimate. I love bringing together like-minded people and creating a space that lets them deeply connect through a shared love of music.” As a Filipino who was born and raised in Los Angeles, seasoned in New York City, and expanded by stints in London and Tulum, Farrah is as ready to lay down beats as she is to put down roots. “I want to tap into the creative expression that’s unique to Berlin and build a diverse community that celebrates it.”
A winning recipe
It turns out quite a lot of Berliners – natives and expats alike – feel the same. Farrah has hosted four events and now has a waitlist filled with people who want a high-vibe, low-stress place to enjoy club caliber music but still be able to talk and connect with interesting people. The waitlist begs a critical question, though—is exclusivity counter to Berlin’s values?
Walking the tightrope of inclusivity and exclusivity

“It’s an invite-only party that has grown organically through word of mouth,” explains Farrah, who seems aware of how this sounds. “I’d like to think that this is the most inclusive exclusive party in Berlin,” she says. “I started it with just a few of my close friends, and those friends have helped to spread the word – which is the same approach I’ve been using since my first party over a decade ago. Now the ripple effect seems to be in full effect.” Who are these hand-picked people?
Grownup club kids
A random sampling of a recent The World is Yours gathering includes a typography designer who has recently moved from Tokyo, a native Berlin couple who are both tech entrepreneurs turned vintage fashion stylists, a French restaurateur on a sabbatical from Paris, a natural abundance of DJs, and about one hundred other thoughtfully dressed, pleasantly disposed people who range in age from about 25 to 50. The party feels energized but not frenetic, relaxed but also taut. In keeping with Berlin’s reputation as a melting pot, Farrah has made an effort to feature fellow DJs from around the world, playing thoughtfully curated selections alongside picks of her own, while invited guests contribute to the natural ethnic and cultural diversity of her gatherings.
The ultimate dance party for people who also love sleep
“I’ve been DJing for 15 years,” reflects Farrah, “and I found that the high of a great dance party was always ephemeral. My mission is to elevate the way we experience dance music parties. I want TWIY to transcend the club experience and create a rich, vibrant, inclusive community rooted in the love for dance music culture, but without the club.” Maybe the answer is mingling for a bit in a private penthouse and then going home at a reasonable hour like a proper adult. If the rapid rise – one that might make Tony Montana envious – of her cultural influence in Berlin is any indication, her forthcoming efforts to bring TWIY to Lisbon, LA, Ibiza, London, Manila and New York suggest that world may soon be hers.
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