Film News
’28 Years Later’: Danny Boyle and Alex Garland to return for third zombie film
It's hoped that a third film will kick off a new trilogy of zombie movies.
Film News
It's hoped that a third film will kick off a new trilogy of zombie movies.
TV News
The Irish actor portrays “the father of the atomic bomb” in Christopher Nolan's new film
Film News
‘We have to hold people accountable for what they do with the tools that they have’
Film News
Taken from our June/July cover shoot.
Film News
High praise from the actor ahead of Christopher Nolan's latest, which arrives this summer
Film News
'If there’s more story there, I’d love to do it,' the actor tells Rolling Stone UK
Film Features
More than 25 years after his debut, the Peaky star remains driven by his craft, bringing an intensity to every part, including his latest as J Robert Oppenheimer, inventor of the atomic bomb. Here, he discusses starring in and producing a film depicting the dark story of Ireland’s Magdalene Laundries, as well as the prospect of reprising his role as Tommy Shelby on the big screen
TV Features
As Brummie modern classic Peaky Blinders closes with its sixth and final season, its star Cillian Murphy reflects on the rock ’n’ roll soundtrack that has made the show so thrilling
TV News
"Alfie, I think I may have written your final act”
Film News
The announcement comes after Cillian Murphy was confirmed in the lead role as “father of the atomic bomb” J. Robert Oppenheimer
Film News
The 'Peaky Blinders' actor will play the figure who became known as the “father of the atomic bomb”